Se llama sketch-crawl y es una adaptación del clásico Pubcrawl donde un grupo de gente va de bar en bar a la noche como parte de la diversion, en vez de quedarse en un solo lugar. En este caso se trata de recorrer una ciudad con tu cuaderno, ojos y lapiz listos.
"The basic idea: to record nonstop everything I could around me with my pencil and watercolors. A drawn journal filled with details ranging from the all the coffee I drank to the different buses I took. After a whole day of drawing and walking around the city the name seemed quite fitting: “SketchCrawl” – a drawing marathon. The crawl was more tiring than I imagined but also more fun and exciting than I had thought. Giving yourself this kind of mandate for a full day changes the way you look around you. It makes you stop and see things just a tad longer, just a bit deeper … needless to say I loved it.
I soon figured out it was much more interesting to do the marathon with a group of artists instead of all by myself! And so SketchCrawl turned communal. After a whole day of drawing it proved to be amazingly interesting and inspiring to share and compare other people’s drawings and thoughts. Different takes on our surroundings, different details, different sensibilities.
The next step was making the SketchCrawl a World Wide event: having people from different corners of the world join in a day of sketching and journaling and then, thanks to the Internet, having everyone share the results on an online forum."
Si recuerdan bien hubo una entrada que postié hace tiempo que tambien era de una pareja que documentaba los lugares a los que iban y cosas que hacian con dibujos en vez de sacar fotos. hermoso. no pongo el link porq voy a tardar 25 años en encontrarlo... pero está y es re linda. Yo tb lo hago, de hecho, uno de estos dias subo algo ;)
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