lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

Multiple Interpretations

About multiple realities "existence consists of experience on multiple planes or realities all happening at the same time." No son lugares físicos exteriores sino planos interiores de cada uno. 

"Unlimited universes pass through the pores of your body just as particles of dust pass through the openings of a screened window"

"Desmond also introduces multi-reality consciousness but some have interpreted these events as demonstrations of precognition and time travel, "perhaps the difficulty lies in thinking in conventional terms."

"Buddhism teaches that to break free of recurrence one must follow the path of enlightenment. Part of that path means understanding ones own nature, personified as a struggle between the rational mind embodied as Jacob - (the Apollo archetype), and the emotional mind embodied as MIB - (Dionysus archetype). Apollo represents order and reason. Dionysus represents the opposite - disorder and raw emotion.

About death "This is your last party. Speak to everyone there, tell them all about yourself, about your mistakes and your suffering, about your love and your longings. No longer do you need to protect yourself, no longer do you need to hide behind a wall or a suit of armor. It is your last party: you can explode, you can be miserable or pitiful, insignificant or despicable. At your funeral you can be yourself."

"We forget about our own divinity. We forget about this higher part of our being. Chemicals have been used traditionally to bring back that memory, to remember God, to reawaken--not only to remember intellectually, but to experientially remember--the living spirit."

About Conciousness "A jet suggests a "high", not only from a sense of exhilarating speed but as physical height or altitude during flight. This "high" provides the stimulus Kate, Sawyer and Claire need to awaken to the other realities and escape Recurrence." --- osea que vivimos en las diferentes realidades paralelas en cada una con la conciencia cerrada. No  nos transportamos de una a otra, yo soy yo en esta y en la otra realidad. Estoy en ambas proque el hilo conductor soy yo. Depende de nuestro nivel de conciencia el percatarnos de ellas. Los chicos no escaparon fisicamente de la isla sino que su conciencia se amplió y pudieron concebir su otra realidad y no quedarse encerrados en ese estado continuo y emocional que representa la isla. Como encender el switch para una realidad más abarcativa espiritualmente. Quizas saltamos de realidad en realidad en la medida que crecemos espiritualmente.

About the MIB "He is Locke. He is the Man in Black. He is everyone; the combined manifestation of everyone's negative vibrations on the island."

About the concept of Reality "outside confirmation from a secondary observer does not actually make anything absolute. Reality, all of it, is perception, relative. A man who can see claims there is a bright blue light projecting on a wall, and another man who cannot see claims there is no such thing - both perspectives are opposite but accurate depending on the observation point. "
"The church scene is merely one perspective of many possible perspectives (shown from Jacks point of view because it is his centric episode); the other people experienced their own tailored flash, only these alternates weren't presented in the episodes that show the Jack-centric.
Everything around us, everything in my reality is merely a manifestation (my own observation) or my perception of the physical reality as interpreted by my consciousness."    :)

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